Tuesday, 17 December 2019

shattered, loved, some new cities live in my coffee.
I've got unmade bed and love stories that reach an end in five pages.
It's 2015,
my first butterfly. My first reality.
Boy, I wish I knew you differently then.
you leave in a month. I've got two years of misunderstood feelings.
you leave tonight , oops. Stay?
It's 1:30 a.m , I'm tucked in and you blare my phone up.
Is this serendipity? Cause honey, I haven't told you yet.
But you could be the one to calm my storms.
You saw me past midnight,
I buried myself like my collar bones.

Oh, our love could go deeper.
you mean life with your name.
you haven't heard from me in a year, I've always loved to keep you swept off of your feet.
Two texts and a week later,
love stories that crumble always started in such a haste.
we guessed ours was different.
I loved your hands on my hair.
was it different?
"Make  try me."
you were cautious around me. you were you around me.
you called me beautiful once,
but i lit up more when you called me unique.

you read my lines and you saw pure glow.
you knew me more now,
you know I'm more than I show.
I knew you were here for the picture,
with fights and ugly bits as much as the pretty pink days.
grow with me, I'll show we are more than the worlds inside us.
I'll talk with you to the moon, and we can be high when the morning refines us.
though we'll be sober,
maybe our worlds beneath will know,
our love was to stay.

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