Saturday 21 January 2017

Those words.

He had a big heart and a soft one to be true,
He could only love and his anger only proved it to be more correct.
And he sacrificed his worldly pleasures for the ones he loved.
He was a man of his words.
He could joke all night, laugh to everything.
He knew everything except how to hide his heavy heart.
For his eyes betrayed him, his voice shattered his mask.
He was a man with an army he called family.

He showed no signs of regrets.
He loved his God so much,
With it he brought his family close to heaven.
He might not look all perfect, yet his flaws are a story to be read.
He never cried yet he always felt the pain.
He is handsome in his own way.

No wonder I adore him so much.
So does the rest of his family,
For when you feel and know his heart,
You'd never want to lose him to anyone, and even death.
So here I write all my love for my father.
My true knight in shining armor.
He has protected me through my storms,
He has loved us all.
His heart is what I admire.
For my dad will always top my chart of gentlemen.
He is the soul that burns to keep us warm.

Know this now, all of us,
Our fathers have done more than they could
They have given us everything.
So to thank him is just a small part
But to love him is the most important one.

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